I just posted that other post from today but I wrote that a few weeks ago. I stopped carrying this laptop with me on the train rides just because it was getting heavy. A lot has happened.

The girl who has been giving me trouble at work called out three days in a row but not according to company policy(she did it over text), and then she informed us that she would be putting in her notice when she returned to work. We started to scout for her position but no notice was forthcoming. Next time I saw her she was acting very confused and very polite to me which is nice, but said there was actually no need to give her notice as things were all taken care of now.

You can't do that. You can't make us think you're not going to be here, throw us into a panic, and then say nevermind. That's not how it goes in the workforce. Once you've said you're out you're out. Take your two weeks and go.

Our DM is being really hesitant and seems unsure of what to do. Technically she did call out for her shifts, but she did text us instead of calling, and we acknowledged the texts. Ideally there would be a record of all these infractions, but because we didn't keep one, we can't just turn around and fire her now. She doesn't even have an official written warning I don't think.

My boss really dropped the ball with it or something. Now she's asking the DM what he will do, and he's a bit confused. She screwed up her entire week, made us not rely on her anymore, and gave what we assumed was two weeks notice, and then rescinded it.

This has to be cause for something.

So that's the basics. It's actually a much longer story but that'll have to work for now.

I met a repulsive lady on the train a few days ago – well, I ride with her all the time I've just never spoken to her until now. Mid to late fifties, tangle of graying hair, not ugly just giving off that vibe that she is ignoring the fact that she's aging.

You can tell she's a liberal because every time she comes across anyone who is non-white or seems sexually deviant, she walks up to them and starts complimenting them on this or that or asking about their life. It seems really racist to me.

The entire ride to work I listened as she drilled this young immigrant from Italy about her life, her job, her kid, this, that, the other thing, advice advice advice, praise praise praise.

The moment I realized she didn't much care about this immigrant though was after the girl had explained what it was like being an accountant. She was an accountant in Europe and now working on getting licensed here. She talked about it like she liked it and I was happy for her.

“What about being a lawyer?” I don't know if this woman genuinely thinks those are similar professions, or was just trying in a patronizing way to have some influence on this girl's life, but she was met with hesitant laughter like why would you ask me if I want to be a lawyer? I trained and got my degree in accounting.

This bothered me a lot, but what got to me was that on our way off the train, this young man on the platform wearing a lot of makeup. I honestly didn't notice him just because he wasn't very attractive, and perhaps I did think he was a girl.

This lady waltzes straight up to him and loudly goes, “I just wanted to tell you that you look amazing! Really amazing, honestly!”

Now every eye is trained on him and everyone definitely notices now that he is a he, and wearing makeup and trying to look like a girl. And from her overbearing attention, someone trying to blend in is not allowed. I never would have noticed him. Probably no one would have.

I just detested her.

She also kept telling stories about a young person she knew who was a “Trumper.” I don't really like titles, but I listened while she moaned about how could someone so young be a Trumper and all that. I almost spoke up but that would have been stupid.

I'm getting tired of it. I need to move south or something.

Speaking of moving, we applied for an apartment this week, and the lady says she's going to keep us in mind for it, like we're the ones she likes best! It's adorable and I could finally get out of this house.